Apr 18, 2011

Celluon - EVO Mouse

Celluon, a South Korean company, devotes to user interaction I/O interface, like virtual keyboard.

EVO mouse
Celluon extend it virtual keyboard technology to "mouse" application. Besides of drag and click, it also have multi functions:

  • scroll
  • rotate
  • zoom
  • forward
  • back
And more, the "pen operation" is really attractive. It may compress the market of digital pen or draw pad.

The basic principles of EVO mouse
Celluon use the "time of flight" principle to detect the motion of object. After buying the virtual keyboard IP from Canesta, Celluon has the monopoly to use time-of-flight virtual keyboard.
Basic components of this technology :

  • IR pulse emitter - you can see the rectangle at the bottom 
  • IR TOF CMOS sensor - on the head of the cute shape between the two LEDs
    (LEDs here are indicators of system in operation, not for TOF function)

Read more
(you can see the TOF in detail and how many patents Celluon got from canesta)

1 comment:

  1. When will the marketing of the mouse Ages in Italy and price and where to buy it thanks
