Nov 30, 2010

ISSCC Virtual Museum: Imager

ISSCC 50th Anniversary lists the outstanding ideas over 50 years of solid-state circuit history.

Nov 22, 2010

Edmund open Taiwan office

Edmund optics, supplier of optical components, open an office in Taichung, Taiwan.

Johnson Chang  is the leader of sales team in new office. Edmund expect rapid growth in demand for optical components, especially vision systems and lens.

It took long time that Edmund decided to open office in Taiwan.
Before, there were many distributors to sell Edmund products. But most customers buy small and low cost components,and even some like to shop online for cheaper price.
If Edmund build a service team in Taiwan, this would make their advanced products attractive.

Nov 19, 2010


Hamamatsu develops a new MEMS-based photomultiplier,Micro PMT (μPMT).

Nov 10, 2010

Nov 9, 2010

Microsoft: 3D Gesture Recognition

Microsoft' CEO, Steven A. Ballmer, discussed Microsoft's plans to advance the gesture technology well beyond video games in recent interview. "I'm excited to be way out in front and want to push the pedal on that", he said.

Nov 4, 2010

Corning stop synthetic green laser

Corning has decided to discontinue its development and commercialization of synthetic green lasers.

Nov 2, 2010

Pixel Qi

2010 IEEE ACE award for "Emerging Technology with greatest  promise for financial success" winner: Pixel Qi, its dual mode screen provides both e-paper readability and full-color video.